The Maxfields

The Maxfields

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 2 of Training - Update

We are finishing up Day 2 of missionary training in Colorado today and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank those of you that are praying for us and supporting us financially.

It is a bit surreal to actually be here and beginning this training. The last year has been a crazy year of raising funds, telling everyone we could about Sacred Road (some of you probably think whether you wanted to hear about it or not), transitioning out of my firm, selling our house, and saying goodbyes to everyone. It has been busy, rewarding, difficult, encouraging, sad, exciting and many more emotions.

We couldn’t have gotten to this point without your prayers and financial support. Thank you.

And in only 4 weeks this training will be over and we will be going directly to Yakama. We are really excited about this new phase of the process.

A few things you might be interested in about the training:
1.       There are 37 adults and 31 youth/children.
2.       There are 3 other teens besides ours – all girls.
3.       It was 60 degrees yesterday and it is supposed to snow tomorrow.
4.       We are actually in the Palmer Lake/Monument area of Colorado, not quite in Colorado Springs.

One final thing to share that will hopefully be an encouragement to you. During the last year we have thought a few times that we are the only ones going through this process. Sometimes felt like odd-balls. But to be able to meet all these people that are in various stages of the same process we have been going through is a huge encouragement. And what is even more special is to hear about all the places they will be going to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people all around the world. Here are the places:
1.       Malawi
2.       Burkina Faso
3.       Dominican Republic
4.       India
5.       Native America (Apaches in Arizona – Yeah!)
6.       Uganda
7.       Philippines
8.       Mexico
9.       Kenya
10.   Mozambique
11.   Southeast Asia
12.   Nicaragua
13.   Poland
14.   Brazil
15.   Tanzania
16.   Jordan
17.   Czech Republic
18.   Thailand
19.   And Native America – Sacred Road Ministries in Yakama.


  1. That's awesome there's another Native destination!

  2. So excited to see you off and can't wait to hear more! Praying for you all in the hard times and looking forward to God's blessing.
