The Maxfields

The Maxfields

Saturday, May 9, 2015

In the Midst of Chaos

It has been awhile since we've posted.  As you can imagine, things have been very busy.  I'd love to bring you up to speed on how we are doing and what is going on with the ministry here at Sacred Road.

Where to begin?  

Our family is definitely in the middle of the "chaotic" stage, as we learned at our missionary training. This stage can feel messy, crazy, unsettled, unknown and scary.  I have had all of those feelings since we arrived.  

I saw this picture at Hobby Lobby and it made me smile
We found a place to rent on the reservation and we are so thankful!  It has been a bit of an experience for this "city" family but we are grateful to be about 20 minutes from the Sacred Road church.  We have a goat, llamas and chickens in the backyard and we are learning how to outsmart the mice in our house. The house is an old doublewide with no screens on the windows and a tin roof, so we are wondering just how hot this house might feel in the dead of summer.  Oh, and how could I forget the bugs.....we have spiders, fruit flies, and wasps in and out of the house.  "Mom, I found another spider (or weird bug) in my room," is a phrase I hear almost daily. 

Lest I make it sound too awful, we are truly having a great adventure together here as a family.  We laugh at so many things about this house, the llamas that suddenly appear right outside the window,
and our whole experience here.  The memories we are making while here together in this house are absolutely priceless. 

We have found a home to purchase here on the reservation.  It is a "for sale by owner" home but because of a divorce happening with the seller, things are moving slowly on their end.  At this point we have no idea how long it will be before they are ready to move ahead and sign papers with us.  We do love the home and hope it might work out for us to purchase it.  We are trying to hold it loosely in case the Lord has a different plan.  Please continue to pray that the purchase of this home might be soon if that is the Lord's will.  If not, pray we will find the house He's planned for us.

Amidst the chaos, we love being here!  We are taking in so much as we observe and participate in the ministry activities.  Our Sundays are full as we are learning our roles and where to help out.  The Sacred Road youth group meets every Tuesday night.  I am amazed at how many teenagers come eagerly each week.  I assist Mary Granberry in the kitchen on Thursdays as we prepare meals mainly for the Sunday after church meal.  As summer begins and mission teams arrive, the cooking schedule will pick up and several summer interns will also help us.  Friday mornings there is a staff women's Bible study and a few native American women attend as well.  This time together is precious and the Lord is working in each of our hearts.  Darren is really enjoying his work and will be blogging about that very soon.

Sometimes I stop and glance around and can't believe we are actually here.  Thank you for partnering with us to make this possible. Living here, we have been given a great privilege to love these children and youth.  I love each one so much even if they don't know it yet.

Today I read Luke 15:8-10 about the woman hunting for the lost coin.  She sweeps the house, looks for it until she finds it and rejoices by calling her friends and neighbors when she finds it.  Then comes the verse, "I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents".

I watch the children who are the lost coins.  I'm seeing them hear the truth of the Gospel each week through Bible stories.  I watch the Sacred Road staff sweeping and I pray that many lost coins will be found. Your prayers are a vital part of this ministry.   

Thank you for your prayers and for journeying with us.  Your support means so much to us.  

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