As you might imagine, we've had quite the eventful last few weeks. So many different events, thoughts, discussions, laughs, cries (and you name it) that it's hard to remember everything and be able to communicate just what I think about it all.
But I'll start by just giving a run-down of some of the different things:
- The best purchase ever - portable air conditioner for the rental house.
- Which then became worthless when the power company turned off the electricity with the temperature up over 100 degrees (because the electric bill didn't get paid and no one gave any warning or notice and then we found out about it at the end of day Friday and they won't come turn it back on until the end of day Monday and if the lady on the phone at the power company hadn't been so nice telling me the power wouldn't be on for 3 days I might have lost it.)
- Helped put up my first teepee.
- Stranded on Hwy 97 when my distributor cap went bad (praise God that the AAA tow guy was only 10 minutes away - for once.)
- 2 great summer team weeks with teams from all over the country coming to serve on the Rez.
- Flat tires on two separate vehicles (we got one on the way to pick up my car at the shop.)
- Rachel has been helping out at Sacred Road, working alongside the interns, becoming friends with everyone.
- One duck blown to bits when it ran into the road right in front of me. Don't worry, it died instantly. You should have seen all the feathers.
- We made an offer on a house that was accepted and pending all the rest of the stuff needed when buying a house, we should be in it by mid-August.
- Spent 2 weeks cleaning up a very dirty, gross double wide rental.
- I turned 44 and was given this t-shirt by Fishii. It's awesome. I also got a cool Bolo tie featuring real Native American beading made by someone here on the Rez.
- One new set of tires on a vehicle.
- Emily began working as an intern for Sacred Road this summer and loves getting to know people better.
- Was terribly disappointed when I found out that the 3 llamas and 1 goat owned by the neighbor wouldn't eat the bizarre vegetation growing in our yard at the rental and I was going to have to mow it myself all summer.
- The big smile and wave from one of my buddies at Kid's Club.
- One bird blown to bits by another driver in our family and still in the grill of the car - because I'm the only one that can take it out apparently.
- Progress being made as we research economic development alternatives, opportunities and approaches.
- Learned the feeling of panic when I realize I forgot to take my daily Claritin pill and I'm nowhere near home where the army size box of additional pills are.
- Several great Kid's Club days spent playing with great kids.
- Wondering why there is a helicopter hovering over our house constantly at 3.00 am. Then realizing it is the apple orchard wind fan that turns on when the temperature gets too low.
- Our first Pow Wow and Treaty Days Rodeo.
- Some guy pounding on the door at 5 am asking for the previous tenant while I was across the country on a trip
- Many examples of the Lord providing comfort, encouragement and strength.

Why do I tell you all this? I think maybe its some form of therapy. But more importantly, we need your prayers.
We are all learning a lot. Things like, how the ministry works, what our individual roles will be, how I will divide up my time between operational items and economic development and ministry, how to live with 2/3 of all our belongings in storage, how we can rock the boat as least as possible as we join this team, and a ton of other things.
We are all learning a lot. Things like, how the ministry works, what our individual roles will be, how I will divide up my time between operational items and economic development and ministry, how to live with 2/3 of all our belongings in storage, how we can rock the boat as least as possible as we join this team, and a ton of other things.
And we are loving it! We know this is where we are supposed to be and are encouraged daily.
But that doesn't mean it's all easy and that there aren't obstacles.
But, as Emily put so well in an post earlier this week, God is Sovereign.
But, as Emily put so well in an post earlier this week, God is Sovereign.
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, not anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:31-32, 37-39
This is my favorite kind of post! :)