The first week of BSF we were told to write in our notebook,
“What might the Lord be equipping you
for this year?” I had no idea how
prophetic those words would become.
A week after writing this question in my notebook, the pastor
and founder of Sacred Road ministry asked Darren if he might consider coming onto the staff of Sacred Road full-time – serving as a director of operations. And so began our journey and the beautiful
lessons the Lord taught me from the book of Matthew.
- In Matthew 1, I saw that God handpicked all of the people in the genealogy of Christ, just as He has handpicked me (and you!) for His work.
- The Magi in chapter 2 gave expensive gifts. Was I willing to give up my time or material things for Jesus?
- In Matthew 4, I saw Satan tempting Jesus just as Satan tempts me to doubt God's provision that He will supply all my needs.
- In Matthew 6, I read about not storing up treasures here on earth and verse 32 of that chapter reminded me that this is what the pagans run after. My idols came into focus. Idols that the culture told me I needed: financial security, a nice home, college savings, deserving vacations.
- In Matthew 9, I saw Matthew, the tax collector, get up, leave everything and follow Jesus.
- In Matthew 14, I saw Jesus withdraw away from the crowds, but they followed Him and needed Him. He had compassion on them. He let go of His own plans to care for them.
- In Matthew 25, I learned about investing my talents for the Lord.
- In Matthew 26, I saw Mary pour out an expensive perfume on Jesus. The disciples questioned if this was okay that the money had been spent this way. That night someone in my BSF group reminded us that we don't always see things as Jesus does. I was reminded that "extravagance is not too much when it has to do with giving it to Jesus".
- Another week our teaching leader reminded us that "Christianity is not a spectator sport." She also said, "Is there something God is asking you to do? If you are not obeying, you may be missing out on the greatest adventure of your life."
These things hit me week after week. I was hearing the Lord loud and clear. I also treasured the hymns we sang every Monday at the start of BSF.
One night we sang, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" and as I sang the words, "all the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood", I cried and knew He was giving me strength to begin to release the financial security and material possessions from my life.
Another hymn that almost knocked me over one night: "Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling" -- a powerful hymn about Jesus calling, "who will go and work today? Fields are white and harvests waiting; who will bear the sheaves away?...who will answer, gladly saying, Here am I; send me, send me." I could not believe the Lord was choosing these hymns for me to sing at BSF as we continued to seek His will about Sacred Road.
The hymn, "Be Still My Soul" often comforted me as I sang the words, " every change He faithful will remain." He would be with me as He changed the course of our lives toward Sacred Road.
I am in awe of the Lord and how He uses His Word. What a treasure. It is living and active to change our lives.